Route is for DRIVING only

Grand ParcVue Hotel Residence Chengdu
Check Rates

Grand ParcVue Hotel Residence Chengdu

No.111 Zhihui Street, Jinjiang District, Sichuan, PRC 610016

Phone: +86 028 8516 6999
Fax: +86 028 8665 9667
By Taxi
The journey from Chengdu Tianfu International Airport to Grand ParcVue Hotel Residence Chengdu typically costs around RMB300  and takes approximately 1 hour. The journey from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport to the residence typically costs around RMB40 and takes approximately 30 minutes. It is important to note that these estimates can vary depending on the current traffic conditions.
By Train
Take a train or high-speed railway to Chengdu East Railway Station. From there, transfer to Subway Line 2 to Tianfu Square Station. Next, switch to Subway Line 1, and take the train to Jinjiang Hotel Station. Upon arrival at Jinjiang Hotel Station, use Exit C to exit the subway station, Grand ParcVue Hotel Residence Chengdu is just a 5-minute walk away.

Grand ParcVue Hotel Residence Chengdu